Project Title: Conclusive excerpt from The Paradoxical Malaise
Location: London, United Kingdom
Author: Andrew Healey

Prompted by the current lack of creative interaction between spatial practice and potential criticality instigated through conditions of discomfort, this text (extracted from a conclusive component of the research paper The Paradoxical Malaise), was written as an Architectural essay at Greenwich University, London on the MArch programme, by Andrew Healey.
Nominated for a 2018 RIBA award, the paper exposes a tacit manner in which such conditions are frequently eradicated or overlooked within the working methodology of Art and Architecture in urban environments. Could the disruption, or re-appropriation of diverse comfort conditions be employed in an innovative typology of Architectural/design practice – creatively appropriating discomfort and developing of a New Spatial Syntax? A proposition exploring how creative merits of comfort may develop engaging design tools and creative provocations across viewers, inhabitants and designers of creative works; maturing a multifaceted understanding of discomfort, enriching the production, or interaction with, creative works.
Text provided by the author(s).